Sunday, March 13, 2011

Download Windows Live Wave 4

Windows Live Wave 4 is a most awaited LIVE platform for over an year. The new Live package features all new Messenger, Mail, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, Sync and the blogger’s favourite tool Live Writer. Luckily enough, the leaked version, now available on The Piratebay) is a beta that works quiet well.

Of course there are some limitations to Sync and Messenger, restricted to corporate users with Microsoft credentials. Your LiveID won’t let you sign in. But luckily enough the crack is also available, everything works with almost no extra effort.

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You can download it here.

windows live wave 4

Wave 4 has a revamped GUI, and you can theme it to what you want. What comes more is the obvious Windows 7 Integration plus a bulk of new features.

Live Mail

This is much better than Outlook. As far as using Gmail with it goes, it’s nitty-gritty on features like “Auto Inbox Refresh”, Keyboard shortcuts, Contact Picker Improvements and more.

Live Messenger

Messenger gets Twitter and WordPress connection, Geo-tagging support in Windows Live Photos, New “Friends” view

Live Writer

Live Writer has seen a number of improvements as well (particularly integration with online services like YouTube and Facebook). It’s even better than previous versions — which were already must-haves for desktop blogging on Windows.

Live Photos

Just like Picasa, Live photos has been there for a while. But this update makes it faster and equally competent with most things Picasa can do: Tags, locations, etc.

Movie Maker

Movie Maker for the first time becomes truly usable. It has new cut, crop, and effects plus uploading to Youtube, Facebook.

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